All Joanna James Planning Maps are Planning Portal & Local Planning Authority compliant.
This guidance will help you ensure that your Planning Application is not delayed, or rejected, by the Local Planning Authority because of discrepancies or unlicensed usage with your site location plans.
From April 2015, all planning applications must include a Site Location Plan (also known as a location plan) which outlines the proposed development in it surrounding context. Some Local Authorities also require a Block Plan which can show the development in more detail.
These plans enable the local planning authority (LPA) to identify the land to which the application refers and should be based upon a current Ordnance Survey map.
If the site is in the countryside, an Ordnance survey style plan at a scale of 1: 10,000 for identification purposes is generally required.
Some Local Planning Authorities also require a Block Plan or Site Plan which is at a larger scale of 1:500 or 1:200 as appropriate. OS mapping at this scale does not include any greater details, but gives an opportunity to include landscaping, trees, drainage etc. These are not detailed Architects plans.
24/7 Maps for professional users. Architects, Landscape Architects, Planners, Civil Engineers etc.
Speak to a real person. Mon-Fri 9-5pm. Discuss your project requirements with experienced mapping professionals.
01242 300108
Ordnance Survey states that to ensure that an applicant’s mapping is correctly licensed for Planning Applications, it should:
We are 2D & 3D specialists providing Digital Construction Data to Architects, Planners, Developers and Civil Engineers etc involved in developing the built environment.
Specifically, we supply highly cost effective Ordnance Survey Mapping, 3D Models, CGI Visualisations, Utility Reports, Height & LiDAR Data, Aerial Photos & Land & Building Surveys.