From £70+vat
Maps dating back to 1840s
Delivery Time
Between 2-4 working hours
Scanned at 500 dots per inch (dpi)
From 1:500 through to 1:12500
Digital scanned PDFs
A3 PDF Digital Historic Map Pack of all available Ordnance Survey Historical Mapping dating back to the 1800s.
Enables you to actively track the development of your site of interest over time.
Get the Digital Ordnance Survey Historical Mapping from Joanna James.
Order a scale of mapping that suits. Delivered as multi-layered scrollable A3 PDF covering all dates available for your site of interest.
Available scales include 1:10,000 National Grid and 1:10,560 County Series and now includes mapping from 2001, 2010 and 2019
Large scale, including town plans: Available scales include County Series 1:1056 and 1:500, National Grid at 1:1,250 and both at 1:2,500 and now includes Landline from 2003.
Get both Small and Larger scale A3 PDF Packs from 1840s to present.
From £70+vat
Maps dating back to 1840s
Between 2-4 working hours
Scanned at 500 dots per inch (dpi)
From 1:500 through to 1:12500
Digital scanned PDFs
Simply send details of site location and we will order for you.
Map Portal
Access Ordnance Survey Historical Mapping 24/7 via our Map Portal. Instantly check out availability & prices.
Beef up you planning applications with OS Historical Mapping.
Clearly demonstrate previous land use & changes over time & see your Planning Application success rate sky rocket!
We are 2D & 3D specialists providing Digital Construction Data to Architects, Planners, Developers and Civil Engineers etc involved in developing the built environment.
Specifically, we supply highly cost effective Ordnance Survey Mapping, 3D Models, CGI Visualisations, Utility Reports, Height & LiDAR Data, Aerial Photos & Land & Building Surveys.