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BGS 50k Mapping

The most recent interpretation of the geology of Great Britain mapped to 1:50,000 scale by the British Geological Survey.

Features & benefits.

BGS geological data overlaid onto 1:50,000 Ordnance Survey mapping.

Although geology of Great Britain remains largely unchanged, constant updates to the mapping are made as understanding improves with technological advances in investigation, excavation & natural ground movement.

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Key Points

Supplied as a layered PDF combining vector (line and point) geology & image-based background mapping.

This British Geological Survey 1:50,000 scale geology product offers:
  • OS 1:50,000 mapping
  • BGS Bedrock (Solid) Geology
  • BGS Superficial (Drift) Geology
  • BGS Linear features – (e.g. faults and folds)
Also included where mapped are:
  • Artificial Ground Geology
  • Mass Movement Geology

Coming soon.Get in touch for samples in the meantime info@joanna-james.com

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